WHO keeps urging China to share more data on Covid

The UN health agency has "continued to urge China" to share more rapid, regular, reliable data on hospitalisations and deaths, as well as more comprehensive, real-time viral sequencing in the wake of a Covid surge in the East Asian country.   "The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the risk

Exams scrapped, students block busy Dhaka crossing

Students of seven government colleges affiliated to Dhaka University blocked the Nilkhet intersection on Saturday morning in protest against the government's decision to suspend exams. Over 100 students took to the streets around 9am and staged demonstrations for nearly two hours, disrupting morning rush-hour traffic in the busy area. A student, who

Fresh Covid surge may lead to school closure again

Just a day before the reopening of educational intuitions after a prolonged Covid-related closure, Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni on Saturday said the schools may be shut again if Coronavirus cases go up. Dipu Moni came up with the remark while talking to local journalists at Jamalpur Circuit House. The education minister

Double mutant linked to surge: Indian Govt

The Indian government has said that a double mutant variant of the coronavirus, first discovered there in March, may be linked to the deadly second wave surge there. Samples containing the mutant or B.1.617 variant have been found in several states with high number of cases. An official associated with the National

India Covid patients suffocate from oxygen crisis amid surge

People prepare a funeral pyre for a family member who died of COVID-19 at a ground that has been converted into a crematorium for mass cremation of COVID-19 victims

Indian authorities scrambled on Saturday to supply oxygen to Indian hospitals where COVID-19 patients were suffocating amid low supplies as the country is crippled with the world’s worst coronavirus surge.. The 3,46,786 infections over the past day brought India’s total infections past 16 million, only behind the United States. The Health Ministry

Covid surge: Tourist spots in Sylhet closed for 2 weeks

All tourist spots in Sylhet district have been shut down for the next two weeks to curb the spread of the deadly coronavirus, officials said Thursday. The directive has come from the local administration in the wake of the sudden surge in Covid-19 cases in Bangladesh. Mohammad Altaf Hossain, superintendent of Tourist