Sitrang may hit a 730 km area in Bangladesh on Oct 25

The deep depression over the Bay is likely to intensify into a cyclonic storm this evening and 19 coastal districts will be at high risk, State Minister for Disaster Management and Relief Dr Md Enamur Rahman said today. If it turns into a cyclonic storm, it will be identified as "Sitrang"

Asani weakens to depression, becomes unimportant

The cyclonic storm "Asani" over West-central Bay off Andhra coast of India moved westwards, weakened into a deep depression first and then into a depression and lay over coastal land area of Andhra Pradesh and adjoining area at 6 am today. It will be weaken gradually and become unimportant as trough

Asani weakens into cyclonic storm

Asani, the severe cyclonic storm in the Bay of Bengal, weakened into a cyclonic storm on Wednesday morning. The cyclonic storm moved west-northwestwards in the west central Bay and adjoining areas this morning. It was centred over the west-central Bay off Andhra coast, about 1,335 kms southwest of Chattogram port, 1,310 kms

Severe cyclonic storm Asani likely to weaken

Asani, the severe cyclonic storm in the Bay of Bengal, is likely to move in a northwesterly direction and weaken into a cyclonic storm over the next 12 hours, said the Met office on Tuesday. The cyclonic storm moved west-northwestwards in the west central Bay and adjoining areas on Tuesday morning. It