SMEs can achieve greater result through digital platforms

The number of SMEs in Bangladesh has increased drastically. They are playing a very vital role in the national economy. A research paper titled Study on Future Direction of SMEs in Bangladesh conducted by the Ministry of Planning, there are 79, 00,000 SME establishments. The Paper also mentioned that these businesses

Toffee launches digital platform for local content creators

Toffeehas officially launched Toffee Creators’ Platform recently which is the first-ever User Generated Content (UGC) platform introduced by a homegrown app in the country. Erik Aas, Chief Executive Officer, Banglalink made the announcement at a launching ceremony. Honorable Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar joined event as chief guest, a press

The Orange policeman who fled to India

A shady policeman helped a shady business people to rip off the public but it exploded and he fled to India, Usually it doesn’t happen this way .Those who cheat the public are often in safe places due to their connections. However, once in a while the system needs to

Are digital platforms following the Haldar model of theft?

For the last few months, stories after stories are breaking about theft and fraud by digital platforms. It's unusual considering the country is trying to brand itself "Digital Bangladesh" but coming across digital theft so frequently. These consumer goods selling online super shops have managed to milk millions from the