7.1m Bangladeshis displaced by climate change in 2022: WHO

With an aim to support countries and territories to build professional competence and capacity to adequately address refugee and migrant health issues, the World Health Organization (WHO) is organising the third edition of its annual Global School on Refugee and Migrant Health in Dhaka with a focus on capacity-building.Over five

Call for collective actions to minimise migration, displacement

Collective actions are needed to minimise migration and displacement, including in Bangladesh, due to global climate change. Bangladesh, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) jointly made the call for more action around climate induced migration and displacement. They recognised that climate change is a

Five years of forced displacement of Rohingyas to Bangladesh

The protracted Rohingya crisis has stepped on the sixth year on Thursday without a single Rohingya repatriated to their homeland. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina saved the world from a humane catastrophe in 2017 by sheltering these persecuted people. Bangladesh has been carrying the load in terms of providing humanitarian assistance and

Forced displacement hit record high in 2021

The number of people displaced by conflict, violence, persecution and human rights abuses rose for the tenth straight year in 2021 to reach the highest level since records began, according to the latest Global Trends report released Thursday by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. "Either the international community comes together to