Out-Trumping the Trump

It’s been seven months since Florida Governor Ron DeSantis celebrated a brilliant re-election victory in the midst of an otherwise mixed Republican midterm performance. He had come in with nearly 20 per cent more votes than Democrat Charlie Crist. This was an almost surreally good result for a state that, until

Why Trump’s dinner with a white supremacist is so revealing

Former Presidents don't typically end up breaking bread with national pariahs. And certainly not by accident. Staff and security protocols regularly protect them from such encounters—both as a practical matter and as a political one. Even lowly mayors who make the trek to D.C. to meet with donors, wonks, and

Trump declines to answer questions in civil investigation

Former U.S. President Donald Trump declined to answer questions in a civil investigation into his business dealings on Wednesday morning. After arriving at the New York attorney general's office for a deposition, Trump issued a statement saying that he would invoke the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The Republican also lashed out

Accountants drop Trump, say records can’t be relied upon

Donald Trump's longtime accountants have ditched the former US president as a client, saying a decade's worth of financial statements could not be relied upon, court documents showed Monday. Mazars informed the Trump Organization in a letter last Wednesday that it would no longer work for the company, which is being