Bangladesh, France free in decision making: Envoy

Highlighting growing relations between Bangladesh and France, French Ambassador Marie Masdupuy has said the two countries are eager to maintain independence in decision making processes when it comes to relations with other states or groups of states as both the countries regularly illustrate it on the international stage. "Our political relation

Dhaka welcomes global supports for fair polls: Envoy

Bangladesh High Commissioner to India Mustafizur Rahman on Friday said his country appreciates the international community, including the US, for firmly standing by the present government to hold the upcoming general election in a free and fair manner. "Our government appreciates that international community, including the US, firmly stands by it

Japan eyes broader ties with country: Envoy

 Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh Iwama Kiminori on Saturday expressed his country's willingness to enhance the bilateral relationship with Dhaka over the next 50 years in line with their "strategic partnership" focusing on trade, investment, people to people exchanges and security cooperation. He laid emphasis on implementing a variety of practical cooperation

Dhaka, Delhi ties in science, tech vital dimension of dev: Envoy

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Pranay Verma on Tuesday highlighted the value of science and technology (S and T) cooperation between Bangladesh and India as an important dimension of their development partnership and a key catalyst in achieving larger national goals and finding solutions to common developmental challenges. Speaking at a

Envoy signs deal with Jeanologia SL to set up ECO-LAB

Envoy Textiles Limited has signed a collaboration agreement to set up a state-of-the-art ECO-LAB with Jeanologia S.L, a press release said Friday. Tushar Tripathi, CEO of Envoy Textiles Limited and Tarin Choudhury, Country Manager of Jeanogogia S.L., signed the agreement on behalf of respective companies. Kutubuddin Ahmed, Chairman & Manish Khanna, Marketing

South Korean Envoy lauds the activities of BEPZA

The Honourable Ambassador of the South Korea to Bangladesh Lee Jang-keun visited Dhaka EPZ Thursday, said a press release. The Envoy expressed satisfaction on the overall production oriented peaceful environment prevailing in EPZ and the role of Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) in economic development of Bangladesh. Welcoming the Ambassador at