Rampal electricity cost nearly doubles

The cost of power generation (per kilowatt hour) at the 1320 MW Rampal power plant is now estimated to be Tk 14-15 per unit, instead of Tk 7-8 per unit, as envisioned when the project was first taken up.   "The recent hike in coal prices in the global market has

Forex dealers, banks cap USD exchange rates

Foreign currency dealers and banks have finally capped the dollar exchange rates following Bangladesh Bank’s instructions amid a prolonged crisis in the foreign exchange market. The ceiling will be Tk 108 for inward remittances and Tk 99 for export proceeds, effective from Monday. The rate for letters of credit for import will

Forex rate stable as BB tightens grip

Bangladesh Bank's move to curb foreign currency spending has resulted in stability in the market after a jump in hiking exchange rate over the last four months.   Through several regulatory measures against some banks and money exchange houses, the volatile forex market is seemingly stable now. Banks' and kerb market's

USD soars to Tk 112 in kerb market

Frantic buying, syndicate, rising import price blamed The exchange rate of US dollar jumped to Tk 112 in the unofficial (kerb) market on Tuesday prompting the worst-ever slide of the Bangladeshi currency against greenback. Traders of the kerb market, where out-of-bank cash dollars are sold and bought, told The News Times that

Banks sell dollar at Tk 99 amid growing demand

Banks are selling US dollars for import payment at Tk98 to 99 which is the highest exchange rate of dollars ever in the banking channel. Though the Bangladesh Bank (BB) is selling US dollars at Tk92.95 to the scheduled banks, the banks are selling dollars higher at Tk 3-4. But banks are

Taka devalued against greenback again

BB sets exchange rate of USD at Tk89 The Bangladesh currency was further weakened by Tk1.10 against a US dollar as Bangladesh Bank (BB) on Sunday set the inter-bank exchange rate of the greenback Tk89. The rate in case of the bills of collection (BC) or import was set at Tk89.15, to