Free Khaleda without conditions or face consequences: Fakhrul

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday urged the government to immediately free the party's ailing chairperson and thrice-former prime minister Khaleda Zia, without any conditions attached. Otherwise he warned of dire consequences. "We would like to clearly say, free our leader immediately (without any conditions).' Otherwise, you have to

Nilphamari Police hold free eye cataract camp

Nilphamari District Police and in collaboration with Deep Eye Care Foundation has organized Free eye cataract operation camp at Nilphamari Police Lines on Sunday. Superintendent of Police, Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman PPM, officially inaugurated the operation camp. Freedom fighter, Kanti Bhushan Kundu, additional Superintendent of Police (crime and Ops) Mohammad Saiful Islam, additional

Free Thalassemia Carrier Awareness Camp held

A free thalassemia carrier screening and awareness camp was held on Saturday at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College in Dhaka in collaboration with the First Security Islami Bank Ltd. and IDeSHi, a press release said. Thalassemia is a deadly disease that is transmitted through parents. Thalassemia can be prevented if one thalassemia