Activists demand G7 nations stop financing deadly fossil fuels

Youth activists in Bangladesh have called on global leaders from G7 countries to immediately halt the financing of fossil fuel-based power projects and prioritize investments in renewable energy. During a climate strike held Today (19th May) in front of the National Press Club in the capital, Fridays for Future Bangladesh and

G7 vows to step up moves to renewable energy

Energy and environment ministers of the Group of Seven wealthy nations vowed Sunday to work to hasten the shift toward cleaner, renewable energy, but set no timetable for phasing out coal-fired power plants as they wrapped up two days of talks in the northern Japanese city of Sapporo. The G-7 officials

Major coal-fired power project scrapped as Japan lifts support

A major coal-fired power plant project of Bangladesh has effectively been scrapped as the Japanese government, its main financer, has decided to no longer bankroll such projects, official sources said. The project affected by Japan’s decision is the Matarbari-2 coal expansion project. The government had been conducting surveys for the project