Govt. to introduce solar irrigation in agriculture sector: Nasrul

With sincere efforts, the government will introduce solar irrigation by reducing number of diesel irrigation pumps in agriculture sector. “There are about 12 lakh diesel irrigation pumps in the agriculture sector across the country that will be transformed into solar irrigation,” State Minister for Power and Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul

Govt hopes FY2023 will be final year of Covid pandemic

The government is contemplating the next fiscal year 2022-23 as its last year to overcome the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the budget document, the government will continue the initiatives taken to address COVID-19 and economic recovery in the coming fiscal year. However, as the context of the crisis changes,

Kamal highlights some remarkable achievements of AL govt since 2009 

Finance Minister Musfata Kamal in his budget speech for fiscal year 2022-23 (FY23) in the Jatiya Sangsad today highlighted the some remarkable achievements that have been achieved under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina since2009.  “Bangladesh has been passing through an incredible golden era since 2009. Bangladesh has become