Training held on quality control of products & herbal medicine

A day-long training programme on Quality control and quality assurance of products & herbal medicine has been organized in Gazipur.  Bangladesh Herbal Products Manufacturing Association (BHPMA) and Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products Business Promotion Council (MPHPBPC) of Commerce ministry, arranged the training session jointly on Monday (December 27).  Harun Ur Rashad Deputy

Training on collection, storing of medicinal plants held

A day-long training programme on ‘Systematic plantation, collection and storage of medicinal plants’ was held atMogbazar in the cityon Thursday, said a press release. The programme was jointly organizedby Bangladesh Herbal Products Manufacturing Association (BHPMA) and Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products Business Promotion Council (MPHPBPC)supervised by the Ministry of Commerce. Md. Abdur