Humanitarian efforts in Gaza doomed without durable ceasefire

Without a comprehensive and durable ceasefire, humanitarian efforts in the Gaza Strip are doomed to fail, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya told the UN Security Council meeting. "We have repeatedly warned that in the absence of a full-fledged, sustainable ceasefire regime, which must be properly monitored through military

Scattered measures in humanitarian aid for Gaza not enough

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza drags into its sixth month on Sunday, April 7, the UN Secretary-General calls for a “true paradigm shift” in the delivery of humanitarian aid. On Friday April 5, 2024, Secretary-General António Guterres spoke before reporters to mark six months since the October 7 attacks, where

Jail wardens should be sensitive, humanitarian: Secretary

Secretary to the Security Services Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs Abdullah Al Masud Chowdhury has said the jail wardens should show sensible, humanitarian and disciplined attitude to the prisoners side by side with ensuring overall security of the jail. He said the country's jails are now being transformed into

No ceasefire Gaza threatens humanitarian aid

As negotiations within the UN Security Council and internationally continue, the humanitarian response to Gaza continues to be under threat. Palestine’s representative to the UN has declared that a new resolution may be in the works, which will also include “practical measures” to ensure a humanitarian ceasefire and to withhold any

The humanitarian & strategic risks of US cluster munitions transfers to Ukraine

The Biden administration’s decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, a weapon widely banned for the inherent dangers they pose to non-combatants, is risky. In addition to the immediate and long-term humanitarian consequences, the transfer of clusters jeopardizes the domestic and international political consensus around support for Ukraine which will be

UN deploys unarmed weapon in humanitarian & peacekeeping operations

A sign outside the United Nations reads, perhaps half-seriously, that it is a “No Drone Zone”—and “launching, landing or operating Unmanned or Remote-Controlled aircraft in this area is prohibited”. The “warning” comes even as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – or drones – are some of the new weapons of war deployed

Humanitarian funding gap hits new record

The level of humanitarian aid that is needed to tackle the world’s crises has risen to a new high of $46.3 billion, according to a report released last month by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The report said that 306 million people now need humanitarian support

Has the UN transformed itself into a vast humanitarian relief organization?

The United Nations, which has failed to help resolve some of the world’s ongoing and longstanding civil wars and military conflicts—including Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, Western Sahara, Myanmar, Syria, and most recently, Ukraine—was rightfully challenged by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his riveting address to the Security Council last April. “Where is