Islam doesn’t permit killing of innocents PM tells Alem-Uleama

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday urged the country's alem-uleama to cooperate with her government to eradicate religious superstitions, terrorism and militancy so no one can misguide the children by wrong interpretation of Islam. "I want your cooperation in eradicating religious, superstition, terrorism and militancy. We especially request you to keep

Keep vigil against abuse of Islam for terrorism: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday urged all religious minded people including Aleems and Ulemas to remain vigil so that none could tarnish the sacred religion Islam by taking different paths.  “Let not contaminate our sacred religion by taking different means. Aleem, Ulema and religious minded people must keep their eyes

Zakat Fund Management Bill passed in JS

The Zakat Fund Management Bill -2023 was passed in Parliament on Wednesay to make Zakat (obligatory charity in Islam) an important tool to eradicate poverty from the country.   As per the proposed Bill, it also aims to engage a zakat receiver in any profession or activity to make the person

Resist misinterpretion of Islam and militancy: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday urged all to resist the force that misinterprets Islam."Islam is a religion of peace. Let's all eradicate darkness, conflicts, illiteracy, differences, clashes, terrorism, superstitions, militancy from the society as well as resist the force that misinterpret of Islam by bearing the essences of Islam,

Shab-e-Barat to be observed tonight

The holy Shab-e-Barat, the night of fortune and forgiveness, will be observed in Bangladesh on Friday night with religious fervour. It is observed on the 15th night of the Arabic month of Sha'ban. According to Muslim belief, it is the night when Allah arranges the affairs of the following year. On