Restaurant catches fire in city

 A fire broke out at a restaurant in the city's Jatrabari area early Sunday.  The fire broke out at 'Urbane restaurant' in north Jatrabari around 6am, said Anwarul Islam, warehouse inspector of (Media cell) of fire service and civil defence headquarters.  On information, ten firefighting units rushed to the spot and brought

AL unit leader murdered in Dhaka

A unit leader of the ruling Awami League (AL) was stabbed to death in Jatrabari area of the capital on Tuesday night. According to police, Abu Bakkar Siddque Habu, 35, was president of unit No 14 within ward No 50 of the Dhaka metropolitan AL. He was the son of the

Fire guts Jatrabari carton factory

A fire broke out at a carton factory in Dhaka's Jatrabari area in early Friday morning, destroying goods and equipment worth Tk five lakh, officials said.  Fortunately, no casualties were reported.  The fire broke out around 3.20am at Al Madina Printing and Packaging and it took five fire tenders nearly three hours