BGCB gets new DMD

Bengal Commercial Bank (BGCB) promoted Md. Humayun Kabir, FCS, SEVP & Company Secretary as Deputy Managing Director (DMD). Md. Humayun Kabir, FCS joined Bengal Commercial Bank PLC. in the year 2018 as Executive Vice President & Company Secretary. He played a vital role in the entire preliminary works in relation to

IBBL’s former executive president passes away

Kamal Uddin Chowdhury, former Executive President (Managing Director) of Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC (IBBL) and eminent banker, passed away (Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un). He passed away on 8 January at 3:00 PM while undergoing treatment at Islami Bank Central Hospital. At the time of his death, he was 82

Dr. Mohammad Nadir joins as new Registrar Of  DIU

Dr. Mohammad Nadir Bin Ali has joined as the Registrar of Daffodil International University(DIU) on October 15, 2022 said a press release Monday. Before joining this position, he had been serving as the Associate Professor of CIS Department and additional registrar of DIU for a long time. He also worked with success