Votes should be taken repeatedly if necessary: Habibul

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal said, I have told the returning officers, if they fail to maintain balance inside, then the returning officer will have to take responsibility, that is not necessary. Because the presiding officer will stop the voting immediately. If necessary, the returning officer will also

Govt’s cooperation needed to hold fair election: CEC

The government's willingness and overall cooperation are needed to hold a successful and fair election, said Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal on Thursday.   "Without the govt's sincere will and cooperation, it may not be possible to make the election successful to the desired extent," he said in response

We want to stay above criticism

CEC says calling for changes in electoral system Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal on Sunday said the Election Commission wants to remain above criticism by holding a free, fair and credible election as the last two national polls were tainted by controversies.   In another meeting with Jatiya Party (JP), the