Xiaomi has announced the launch of its Redmi A1 at an affordable price, a press release said Wednesday. The device will be exclusively available at online marketplace Daraz's 11.11 campaign at an attractive price. A 6.52-inch large display is used in the phone to give a better video watching experience.
Tag: Launched
BRAC Bank launches country’s first ever digital loan app
BRAC Bank has launched the country’s first ever end-to-end digital loan app named (Shubidha), a press release said Wednesday. The app will enable customers to apply for Digital Retail Loans from anywhere in Bangladesh and get loan approval instantly. Moreover, they can purchase products and services from the bank’s partner outlets
realme launches entry-level smartphone C33
Pathao re-launches its car service
LafargeHolcim launches new cement brand ‘Supercrete Plus’
LafargeHolcim has launched a new cement brand "Supercrete Plus": the best fair face cement in Bangladesh with enhanced strength capability. This premium product by the company is the country's #1 fair face cement with 15-20% enhanced early strength compared to any other Portland Composite Cement (PCC) coupled with Concrete Porosity Reduction
ISHO launches super saver campaign
Vivo launches new smartphone Y22s
Rosatom to launch global atomic quiz
Russia’s state nuclear corporation ROSATOM will once again launch its much-anticipated Global Atomic Quiz 2022 In observance of World Science Day, celebrated all over the globe on November 10, a press release said Saturday. The main objective of the program is to highlight the importance of nuclear technologies in everyday
AWS launches AWS Outposts rack service in Bangladesh
AWS has launched AWS Outposts rack in Bangladesh, which can now be shipped and installed at data centers and on-premises locations, a press release said Thursday. AWS Outposts rack, a part of the AWS Outposts family, is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to
SCB, IBA launch Innovation Challenge for youths
Standard Chartered Bangladesh and the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) recently announced the launch of the Standard Chartered-IBA Innovation Challenge for enterprising youths, a press release said Wednesday. As part of the Innovation Challenge, Bangladeshi youths will have the opportunity to present promising and scalable business ideas centred around sustainability and