Mohiuddin Ahmed: The diplomat in history

"There is a difference between deciding to join and joining when it's safe. I joined the 1971 cause because I believed in it," Mohiuddin Ahmed said.  We were at a TV show on ETV a few years back when he said the above. The discussion was on the 1971 war and

History cannot be changed

Few days after the commemoration of the death anniversary of a General turned President Ziaur Rahman, my school friend, a liberation war veteran and was with the ‘Crack Platoon’, which wrecked the morale of marauding Pakistan military and their cohorts wanted me to review an article which he plans to

Mujibnagar Day: Better late than never

After 50 years, finally, the government declares historic April 17 as the‘Mujibnagar Day” instead of ‘Republic Day’ and makes it a public holiday only in Mujibnagar, Meherpur. A gazette notification caused a cross-section of people excited as a liberation war history has been finally recognised. Earlier, Tanjim Ahmad Sohel Taj, son of

Kissinger acknowledges 1971 US role as ‘political misjudgment’

Bangladesh is to mark tomorrow the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties with the United States that had tilted towards Pakistan in 1971 while a key US policymaker at that time, Henry Kissinger, later called the stance “a case history of political misjudgment”. “The issue (Pakistan crisis) burst upon us while Pakistan

Time’s up for Imran Khan

When Imran Khan was in the opposition, he told journalist Hamid Mir on a live talkshow on Pakistan’s popular channel Geo TV that Pakistan should seek an apology for war crimes during the bloody war of independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Since he came to power back my military hawks in

Elections that broke Pakistan

The controversial 'two-nation theory’ a brainchild of Mohammad Ali Jinnah collapsed after 24 years when the eastern province of Pakistan bifurcated and became Bangladesh. The so-called ‘two-nation theory’ envisaged a separate state for Indian Muslims to “live happily ever after” in Pakistan was proven tobe wrong when Bangladesh was liberated in

Gameenphone launches animated series on Liberation War

Grameenphone (GP),  the tech service leader and connectivity partner of Digital Bangladesh, has taken a time-befitting initiative titled ‘AgamirChokhe Bangladesh’.With an objective  to treasure the heroic history of the Liberation War, the GP  has selected some of the unforgettable events that took place during the Liberation War. The Grameenphone has taken

50 years of national flag

December is the month of victory. A day of glory and dignity for the Bengali nation. The desired victory was achieved in 1971 at the cost of 3 million martyrs and 3 lakh mothers and sisters losing their dignity in the long 9 month bloody war against the Pakistani aggressors.