Genocide: How many miles to trial?

As we celebrate 50 years of Bangladesh we also are observing 50 years of genocide in Bangladesh. The two realities are intrinsically linked and one can’t have one without the other. If the formal independence is an issue of the institutions, the informal world, remembers the genocide more. However, it’s

Govt assistance must for more movies on 1971

The liberation war is the history of accomplishing Bengali nation's identity. There are only a handful of countries in the world who have got independence in exchange of blood. We are lucky and proud to be one of them. The language movement of 1952 and the liberation war of 1971

Does being 50 matter?

As soldiers of three countries, one established, one recently dead and one emerging crowded into the grounds of the current Suhrawardy Uddan on December 16, 1971, the diverse history of the region was never more obviously at display than that moment. It’s a cruel and mysterious baggage what we call