Mahathera  gets Education Watch Award

Buddhist monk Ven. Prajnananda Mahathera, received the Education Watch Award for contribution to education and social reform on 9 March 2023, a press release said Saturday. The award was given at a casual ceremony to mark the 16th anniversary of the education magazine ‘Education Watch’.  Buddhist monk Prajnananda Mahathera has been working

Regional phase of bKash-BigganChinta science festival ends

Times Report Non-bank financial institution bKash held 'bKash-BigganChinta Science Festival 2022' in Khulna and Barishal divisions. More than 700 students from 40 schools showcased science projects, participated in quiz competition, science lecture, robot exhibition, and science magic at the event, reads a press release. With this, the regional phase of the science festival

Chayan Sahitya Prakashani awards 3 personalities

Chayan Sahitya Prakashani has awarded three renowned personalities with gold medal on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the ‘Chayan Sahitya Club’ and the 30th anniversary of the literary magazines ‘Chayan o Dashdiganta’ on November 18th, 2022, a press release said Saturday. The awardees are internationally renowned fashion icon Bibi