Gaza massacre and western hypocrisy

Israeli troops opened fire targeting the Palestinians, gathered around food aid trucks, killing at least 112 and injuring hundreds on 29 February. The massacre happened, about a month after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures for Israel to refrain from all acts under the Genocide convention. Ironically

August 15 conspirators out to oust govt: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said that the yet-to-be-executed killers and conspirators involved in the August 15 massacre of 1975 are still working to oust her government as the country heading towards another national election.   "They are still continuing their conspiracies. I know all of them (conspirators)," she said, adding

A Pakistan apology could heal Bangladesh’s war wounds

Upcoming December 16, 2021 is knocking at the door. Bangladesh will celebrate its 50th anniversary of victory day with full spirit.On December 16, 1971, almost 93,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered in Dhaka, leading to the creation of the sovereign nation-state of Bangladesh. December 16 is Victory Day in Bangladesh. On this