ACC holds mass hearing against 42 govt agencies

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) listened to over one hundred complaints lodged by people against services of 42 government agencies during a mass hearing at Chattogram Medical College auditorium on Wednesday. Attending the event as chief guest, ACC Commissioner (Investigation) Mohammad Mozammel Haque Khan said that in 70 percent of cases, the

Steps under way to modernize medical education

The government has taken up a series of measures to make the country's medical education more modern and time-befitting and of international standard. As a part of it, according to an official document, much importance is being given to higher investment and higher training in medical education. The document mentioned that confronting

Medical colleges to reopen in phases from Sept 13

All state-run and private medical colleges in Bangladesh will reopen from September 13 in a staggered manner, Health Minister Zahid Maleque said on Thursday. The decision to resume classroom teaching has been taken by the government in view of the improving Covid-19 situation in the country, the Minister told reporters after