10 years’ celebration of MFS held in Rangpur with festivity

The MFS Fair was held in Rangpur to celebrate 10 years’ of country’s mobile financial services (MFS) sector, which has transformed the country’s financial inclusion. At the city’s Public Library Field, colorful balloons were released to kick off the event, said a press release. At the fair, awareness puppet show, Gambhira

Tap reduces cash out charge for new year

Mobile financial service (MFS) Trust Axiata Pay or ‘tap’ reduced charge for withdrawing money to make transactions more affordable for customers of all levels. In every thousand, the reduced charged will be Tk14.70 (1.47%) from any agent point in the country for any tap’s general account customers. The new price will

bKash organizes workshop on prevention of MFS abuse

bKash has organized a workshop for law enforcement officers and bKash agents of Bagerhat to create awareness on prevention  of abuses in Mobile Financial Services (MFS). With cooperation of Bagerhat District Police, bKash, has organized the workshop  recently at BagerhatShilpakala Academy. More than one hundred agents and police members attended the workshop.

IDLC introduces first MFS based digital savings program

IDLC Finance introduces country’s first 'Digital Savings Scheme' through which the population previously living outside financial inclusion can enjoy the term-deposit services of IDLC Finance through bKash accounts. M. Jamal Uddin, MD & CEO of IDLC Finance, Kamal Quadir, CEO of bKash, and other senior officials of both the organizations were

BB proposes trust fund for mobile banking clients

A part to be invested in govt. securities The Bangladesh Bank has issued guidelines for creating a trust fund management for payment and settlement of mobile banking services, reports UNB. These guidelines would be applicable for Mobile Financial Services (MFS), Payment Service Provider (PSP), Payment System Operator (PSO), and any other non-banking