Migration in the Americas: A dream that can turn deadly

The Darién Gap is a stretch of jungle spanning the border between Colombia and Panama, the only missing section of the Pan-American Highway that stretches from Alaska to southern Argentina. For good reason, it used to be considered impenetrable. But in 2023, a record 520,000 people crossed it heading northwards,

Forced migration grows, justice withers, activists say at WSF

As involuntary migration rises around the world, partly in response to the impacts of climate change, justice for those leaving their homes and families to earn a living is largely missing, said activists meeting at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Kathmandu on Sunday. In various sessions, participants from Europe, northern

The spectre of migration: A conversation with Hammoud Gallego

Karl Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party begins with the now worn-out phrase: “A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre”. Nowadays the word “communism” could easily be substituted by “migration”. All

Call for collective actions to minimise migration, displacement

Collective actions are needed to minimise migration and displacement, including in Bangladesh, due to global climate change. Bangladesh, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) jointly made the call for more action around climate induced migration and displacement. They recognised that climate change is a

‘Migration from Bangladesh to Japan shaped people-to-people contact’

Data shows that migration from Bangladesh to Japan has significantly developed the character of personal relationships between Bangladeshis and Japanese, and some returnees have retained strong personal ties from the previous sojourn in Japan, according to a Japanese professor. "From the late 1980s, a considerable number of Bangladeshis started to go

Bangladesh truly a champion of migration: IOM

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has appreciated Bangladesh's overall migration management and gradual prevention of irregular migration enabling regular migration.   "On migration management, Bangladesh is really a champion. There is quite a big that your government has done....fair enough to say very strong on migration management," said Deputy Director

Govt launches taskforce to ensure safe migration

The government has launched the Migration Compact Taskforce (Taskforce) which aims to facilitate the implementation, follow-up, and review of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). The taskforce will provide a platform to ensure full support and cooperation from all relevant stakeholders through a 'whole of government' approach. Senior government officials and officials