Navalny’s death leaves despair and apathy in Moscow

The West, including U.S. President Joe Biden, blamed President Vladimir Putin for the death. Western leaders did not cite evidence. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the reaction of Western leaders to the death was unacceptable and "absolutely rabid". Russian authorities viewed Navalny and his supporters as extremists with links to the CIA

Washington-Moscow trade biting words over Bangladesh politics  

The United States and Russia have visibly exchanged biting words over Bangladesh with US State Department Saturday accusing Moscow of purposely misinterpreting Washington’s foreign policy regarding Bangladesh’s upcoming elections. A US statement department spokesman alleged that Kremlin on November 22 delivered a statement which was a “deliberate mischaracterization” by saying US

Kyiv and Moscow hit by overnight drone attacks

Both Kyiv and Moscow were targeted overnight by opposing drone attacks, which were largely intercepted by anti-aircraft defences and did not result in casualties, authorities said on Sunday. "An attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack using a drone against facilities of the Russian Federation was thwarted,"

Moscow targets Kyiv region after lengthy calm

A missile targeted Kyiv on Saturday without causing casualties but ending nearly two months of relative calm in the Ukrainian capital, while frontline regions fended off waves of drone attacks overnight. Ukrainian officials also hailed the anniversary of the recapture of Kherson city, the regional capital liberated a year ago in

Democracy on the blink in Sri Lanka

On February 4, Sri Lanka commemorates 75 years of Independence. But it will not be the extravaganza of the past years, the minaturised imitations of the grand displays on Moscow’s Red Square or China’s Tiananmen Square. Still, a critical question has been reverberating in the community ever since the government announced

Annexing a state’s territory is a violation of int’l law

The Kremlin has announced that a ceremony will take place Friday in Moscow that will launch a process of annexation of the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. In this moment of peril, I must underscore my duty as Secretary-General to uphold the Charter of the United Nations. The UN

Ukraine seeks to retake the south, tying down Russian forces

Even as Moscow’s war machine crawls across Ukraine’s east, trying to achieve the Kremlin’s goal of securing full control over the country’s industrial heartland, Ukrainian forces are scaling up attacks to reclaim territory in the Russian-occupied south. The Ukrainians have used American-supplied rocket launchers to strike bridges and military infrastructure in