Global realities begin to accommodate the Myanmar junta

The guarded approval by the ASEAN of the Myanmar regime is a sign of current global real politics. It shows that the mono-domination of global politics by Western agenda, perhaps masked by its slogan of ‘democracy’ is reaching the limits of its sell by date as regions and even the

Myanmar junta chokes information flow as protests intensify

Authorities in Myanmar arrested a spokesman for ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s political party as they intensify efforts to choke off the spread of information about growing protests against last month’s military takeover. Despite a crackdown that has killed more than 200 demonstrators so far, protesters were back in the

Myanmar construction magnate claims cash payments to Suu Kyi

A Myanmar construction magnate with links to military rulers claimed he personally gave more than half a million dollars in cash to deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi in a broadcast on state television aimed at discrediting the ousted civilian government. The statement by Maung Waik could pave the way for

4 killed as crackdown on protesters continue in Myanmar

Security forces in Myanmar on Saturday again met protests against last month’s military takeover with lethal force, killing at least four people by shooting live ammunition at demonstrators. Three deaths were reported in Mandalay, the country’s second-biggest city, and one in Pyay, a town in south-central Myanmar. There were multiple reports

Myanmar’s searing smartphone images flood a watching world

The images ricochet across the planet, as so many do in this dizzying era of film it, upload it, tell it to the world: scenes from a protest-turned-government crackdown, captured at ground level by smartphone users on the streets of Myanmar. Images shot across barricades and furtively through windows. From behind

Myanmar police raid housing of striking railway workers

Myanmar security forces early Wednesday raided a neighborhood in the country's largest city that is home to state railway workers who have gone on strike to protest last month's military coup. Police sealed off the Mingalar Taung Nyunt neighborhood in Yangon where the Ma Hlwa Kone train station and housing for

EXPLAINER: Myanmar media defiant as junta cracks down

Myanmar’s military-controlled government is seeking to suppress media coverage of protests against its seizure of power as journalists and ordinary citizens strive to inform people inside and outside of the country about what is happening. Authorities on Monday canceled the licenses of five local media outlets that had been offering extensive