Warning against drinking raw date juice issued

Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has advised countrymen to refrain from drinking raw date juice to prevent Nipah-virus related deaths. Nipah virus causes severe disease and the outbreak of the Nipah virus related disease spreads sharply during the winter season, according to a press release signed by deputy programme manager

Ten people die of Nipah virus this year

A total of 10 people among 14 infected with the Nipah virus died in the country this year, making it the highest death toll from the infection in the last seven years. Professor Dr Tahmina Shirin, director of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), provided the information in

Raise awareness about Nipah virus

The Nipah is a highly infectious viral disease with a high fatality rate. A virus named Nipah is responsible for this disease. Recently, this disease has been reported in 28 districts across the country. To stop the spread of this virus the government is taking active steps. To this end,

32 districts at risk of Nipah virus

Health authorities have marked 32 districts in Bangladesh as being at risk of the Nipah virus infection and directed physicians to take adequate precautionary measures while attending to patients with fevers, a primary symptom of the illness, in hospitals.The Dhaka North City Corporation's COVID-dedicated hospital in Mohakhali has also been