Why Pakistan Army blames the 1971 debacle on the politicians?

The outgoing Pakistan Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Qamar Javed Bajwa in one of the several farewells meetups categorically said “1971 was not a military, but a political failure. Our army fought courageously in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).” He lamented that those fallen martyrs of the Pakistan Army were

ICSF welcomes US Congress initiative on 1971 genocide

The International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF) has welcomed the resolution "Recognising the Bangladesh Genocide of 1971" introduced in the US House of Representatives. The resolution is the first of its kind relating to the genocide od 1971 perpetrated in Bangladesh by the Pakistan Army, presented anywhere to any legislative body in

Genocide: How many miles to trial?

As we celebrate 50 years of Bangladesh we also are observing 50 years of genocide in Bangladesh. The two realities are intrinsically linked and one can’t have one without the other. If the formal independence is an issue of the institutions, the informal world, remembers the genocide more. However, it’s