Palestinian leader names adviser Mohammed Mustafa as PM

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has appointed Mohammed Mustafa, a long-trusted adviser on economic affairs, as prime minister, the official Wafa news agency said on Thursday. Mustafa's appointment comes less than three weeks after his predecessor, Mohammed Shtayyeh, resigned, citing the need for change after the Hamas attack of October 7 triggered

US announces $53m in new Palestinian aid, urges access

The United States on Tuesday announced another $53 million in humanitarian assistance for Palestinians as the US aid chief pleaded for protections to relief workers in war-ravaged Gaza. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) said the aid would go through the World Food Program and non-governmental groups, as Israel and

No Israel ties without independent Palestinian state : Saudi

Saudi Arabia has told Washington it will not establish ties with Israel until an independent Palestinian state "is recognised", the Gulf kingdom's foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. "The Kingdom has communicated its firm position to the US administration that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless

Japan suspends funding to UN Palestinian refugee agency

Japan said it is joining other countries in suspending funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees following Israeli charges that some UNRWA staff took part in Hamas's October 7 attack. The agency has fired several staff over Israel's accusations and promised a thorough investigation into the claims, which were not

At least 310 Palestinians killed in Gaza Strip in 24 hrs

At least 310 Palestinians were killed in Gaza in a 24-hour period between Thursday and Friday as the Israeli military blasted the enclave from air, land and sea, Al Jazeera reports, citing UN data. About 70% of the almost 17,500 people killed in Gaza since October 7 are said to be