Govt simplifies passport correction process

From now on, citizens can correct personal information on their passports by presenting their national identity cards details, the home ministry has announced. Until now, the amendment process was complicated by the need to submit many documents and papers as evidence. The Security Services Division has finally issued a circular to

Bangladesh passport 11th weakest globally

The Bangladeshi passport is still the 11th weakest globally and the holders can travel to just 41 out of 227 countries around the world without a prior visa. According to the third quarter edition of the Henley Passport Index 2021 released Tuesday, Bangladesh is at the 106th position alongside Lebanon and

No change in Bangladesh’s position over Israel: FM

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Sunday said Bangladesh's position towards Israel has not changed as it still does not recognize Israel. Momen said removing the words like ''valid for traveling except Israel'' in the new passport does not mean that there has been a change in Bangladesh's position. Dr Momen