Bangabandhu earned admiration for his struggle for global peace: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the World Peace Council awarded Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman its highest prize- the Joliot-Curie Peace Medal-for his commendable contributions to global peace and freedom. "Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's uncompromising stand in favor of global peace earned him the profound admiration of the

Kotalipara plot: 14 sentenced to death

A tribunal in Dhaka on Tuesday sentenced 14 people to death in a sedition case filed over the murder attempt on then Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at Kotalipara in Gopalganj in 2000. Judge of Dhaka Speedy Trial Tribunal-1 Abu Zafar Mohammad Kamruzzaman handed down the verdict. The convicts are Mohammad Azizul Haque