Deal signed on $515m WB loan for power sector

Bangladesh and the World Bank on Wednesday signed a $515 million financing agreement to help nine million people get access to reliable power supply while transitioning to clean energy. The agreement was signed by Economic Relations Division secretary Fatima Yasmin and Acting World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh and Bhutan, Dandan

Success in power sector to continue: Nasrul

With the present government’s sincere efforts and timely initiatives, the power sector will continue to succeed, as the government increased power generation to 25,235 megawatt (MW), a ministry official said. He said the government has provided power connections to 2.99 crore new consumers with expansion of 3.53 lakh kilometers new distribution

Ensure good governance, transparency in power sector

The government has made significant achievements in recent times in power generation in the country. But the supply of quality electricity at affordable prices has not been ensured as yet. Electricity prices keep rising. In the last 11 years, the price of electricity has increased 10 times. Reportedly, the prices