MDB wins award in excellence in prepaid cards

Midland Bank Ltd. (MDB) achieved EXCELLENCE IN PREPAID CARDS (Associate Member) in the category of “Visa Excellence Award” held on 14 September at the hotel Sheraton, Dhaka. Visa organized the programme named, VISA LEADERSHIP CONCLAVE 2023, TOWARDS A CASHLESS, SMART BANGLADESH. Md. Zahid Hossain, Managing Director (Current Charge) of MDB

EBL launches country’s first contactless debit cards

Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) has launched the country’s first contactless Visa Debit and Prepaid cards on Friday. The contactless cards not only provide convenience of contactless payment but also offer all the existing features of regular EBL Debit and Prepaid Cards. Contactless cards are faster ways to pay with the EBL