Summit holds charity concert for migrant workers in Singapore

Summit with the Tagore Society Singapore organised a charity concert performed by Shama Rahman, a global ambassador of Rabindra Sangeet, a press release said Monday. This was an effort to raise fund for the Migrant Workers' Welfare Fund, HOME in Singapore. All the proceedings were given to HOME to assist low-wage

When the police became music ‘vigilantes’

I did not know when the police were given responsibility for ensuring singers sing tothe proper tune of the song, especially ‘RabindraSangeet’ (Tagore Songs). Tomorrow, they will haul singers singing ‘NazrulGeeti’ or band (or pop) music for not strictly following the music grammar. Remember, the police arrested folk singers and send them

Is Hero Alam the problem or social media?

The Hero Alam episode has been a bad advertisement for the state as a culture controller. Not that they are feeling embarrassed about it. As the police told the media, they have received many complaints against Hero Alam's singing. So they brought him in. And the police told him not