DBH and Edison Real Estate signs MoU

Recently DBH Finance PLC and Edison Real Estate Ltd. signed an MoU, under which customers of Edison Real Estate will get preferential treatment from DBH. Managing Director & CEO of DBH Finance PLC Mr. Nasimul Baten and Chairman of Edison Real Estate Mr. Aminur Rashid Chowdhury recently signed the agreement.

REHAB Fair begins on Dec 21

REHAB Fair 2022 will begin in the capital Dhaka on December 21 to showcase apartments, land and other real estate and housing products. Local government, rural development and cooperatives minister Md Tajul Islam is expected to inaugurate the event on the day as chief guest. The Real Estate and Housing Association of

Real estate sector in misery as raw material prices surge

A surge in prices of construction materials put the real estate industry in misery as the sector was just getting momentum after a long spell of pandemic-driven slowdown. Prices of steel, cement, bitumen and cement rose significantly over the past one year, but the realtors found it difficult to make the