Is the reform of UN Security Council a good try in a lost cause?

The myriads of proposals for the reform of the much-maligned Security Council have been kicked around the United Nations for more than two decades—with no significant progress. Speaking at the General Assembly’s (GA) annual debate, GA President Dennis Francis told delegates last November that without structural reform, the Council’s performance and

Govt plans reforms to bolster macroeconomic stability

The government has undertaken a series of medium-term (2025-26) reforms aimed at bolstering macroeconomic stability and promoting long-term growth apart from immediate policy responses due to the global and national economic contexts. The main objectives of these reforms include enhancing revenue generation, reducing the borrowing costs of the public sector, curbing

Security Council Reform: Big Five are the Heart of the Problem

The UN Charter mandates the Security Council to maintain international peace, but wars rage on and nations arm themselves with ever more lethal weapons. No wonder that the Council’s critics are so many and calls for its reform so urgent. On December 11, 1992, with post-Cold War optimism, the UN General

UN system is in urgent need of reform

Few deny the huge role the United Nation plays in global multilateral system especially in the area of poverty eradication, sustainability and climate change. As enabler of the Agenda 2030, the UN system has the ability, stemming from its extraordinary convening powers, to bring around the table global leaders and key