Cold wave keeps disrupting life in northern region

The sweeping cold wave coupled with cooler winds and fog deteriorated weather during the last 24 hours ending at 6 am today in the northern region where normal life continued remaining disrupted in recent days.The farm-laborers and day-laborers could not conduct normal works and fewer numbers of people were seen

Role of UNOs in developing primary education

Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) is the chairman of almost all committees at upazila level. In the meetings of these committees, the general issues of the upazila are discussed and decisions are taken. So UNO can play an important role in decision making. Primary education is the foundation of a country's

Wildfires in West explode in size amid hot, windy conditions

Wildfires in California and Montana exploded in size overnight amid windy, hot conditions and were quickly encroaching on neighborhoods, forcing evacuation orders for over 100 homes Saturday, while an Idaho blaze was spreading.  In California's Klamath National Forest, the fast-moving McKinney fire, which started Friday, went from charring just over 1