Wagner and Putin: What really happened?

Western media is lamenting about the "mutiny" by the Wagner force which they hoped would topple Putin. However, Putin is still in power and Wagner seems to have slipped as a potential threat to the Russian supremo. The Wagner story is complex as it shows how the many forces including

A year of Putin’s war through the eyes of Ukrainians

Under the thunder of artillery fire, waves of Russian soldiers throw themselves across a corpse-littered no man's land against Ukrainian trenches around the town of Bilohorivka. Grim faced, Ukrainian machine-gunners set to work, methodically changing out barrels and ammunition belts until the last of the attackers falls or retreats. There are

Call for restraints in US arms transfers to Ukraine

More than 10 months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States and its allies continue to seek the most effective military, humanitarian, political, and economic means of assisting Ukraine. In his December 2022 visit to Washington, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly reiterated his desire for advanced US weapons; Ukraine’s

NSU holds webinar on Russia-Ukraine War

The 3rd CPS international webinar on “Russia’s invasion in the Ukraine: The Potential for Diplomacy in times of war” was held on 12 may, 2022. It was jointly organized by the Center for Peace Studies (CPS) of the South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG), North South University (NSU), The war