Saudi warns of ‘catastrophe’ if Israel moves on Rafah

Saudi Arabia said on Saturday that Israel's planned army operation in overcrowded Rafah would cause a "humanitarian catastrophe" and called for the United Nations Security Council to intervene. The kingdom "warned of the extremely dangerous repercussions of storming and targeting" Rafah and affirmed its "categorical rejection and strong condemnation of their

No Israel ties without independent Palestinian state : Saudi

Saudi Arabia has told Washington it will not establish ties with Israel until an independent Palestinian state "is recognised", the Gulf kingdom's foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. "The Kingdom has communicated its firm position to the US administration that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless

Israel, Saudi moving towards ‘framework’ for deal: US

Israel and Saudi Arabia are moving towards the outline of a historic US-brokered deal to normalize relations after decades of hostility, the White House said on Friday. President Joe Biden is hoping to transform the Middle East -- and score an election-year diplomatic victory -- by securing recognition of the Jewish

Saudi arrests Bangladeshis in clampdown on visa trade

Saudi Arabia's Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority arrested several persons including two ex-officials of its Dhaka embassy and a number of Bangladeshi nationals for their alleged involvement in illegal visa trading and money smuggling outside the Kingdom. The authority announced on Saturday that it had initiated a criminal case. The authority, also known

Saudi raises Hajj quota for Bangladesh

Over 2,400 more Bangladeshis will be able to perform Hajj this year, as Saudi Arabia has increased the number of Hajj quota for this country. The information came from a letter sent to the Hajj Council in Saudi Arabia by the Religious Affairs Ministry of Bangladesh on Wednesday. According to the letter,

Will Saudi-Israel ties reinforce against Iran?

Most Muslim countries and Islamist leaders do not believe that Saudi Arabia – Israel relations will soon begin to thaw. It is globally known that Saudi Arabia is the citadel of Islamic Ummah. Also,Saudi Arabia is the custodian of two holy sites of Mecca and Madina, where the Muslim prophet preached