Alliance Francaise to teach French to school students

Mentors from Alliance Française de Dhaka (AFD), a nonprofit organization also known as the French Cultural Center, will teach French language courses to the students of Glenrich International School (GIS) as part of their regular curriculum, a press release said Friday. GIS signed an agreement with Alliance Francaise de Dhaka on

Bangladesh rolls out Covid vaccination programme for kids

 Bangladesh on Thursday rolled out a full-fledged Covid-19 vaccination programme for children aged between 5 and 11 years in city corporation areas across the country.  This vaccination programme will continue for the next 14 days, from 9am to 3pm daily.  The government has set a target to vaccinate 2.20 crore children aged

School students to get deworming pills in Rajshahi city

Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) will feed deworming tablets to all the school-going students aged between five and 16 years in the city. Along with primary and secondary level schools, all madrasas, mosque-based schools and orphanages will be brought under the deworming tablet feeding programme. The campaign will be held as part of

Vaccination for school students starts Oct 30

The vaccination programme for school students aged between 12 and 17 will start by 30 October, said Health Minister Zahid Maleque. The education ministry will send the list of the students to the ICT Division by this month. The vaccination programme will start after getting the list, he said at a