Serum may resume vaccine export in July/August

India, depending on the scale of production of vaccines within the country, is aiming at July-end or August to at least release those vaccines that have been bought by Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal and are now in pending status, reported The Print on Wednesday. Meanwhile, Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh

Serum Institute to refund money in case of shipment failure

Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal Thursday said Serum Institute of India will repay Bangladesh’s money that was paid to them to buy 3 crore doses of Covishield, the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. “We had signed a contract with the Serum Institute (of India) as per international rules and regulations, since they are

Uncertainty looms large over vaccination

The future of vaccination program in Bangladesh looks bleak due to broken supplies of the injection vials as the lone supplier Serum Institute of India failed to ship the vaccines in time, officials said. Bangladesh government signed an agreement with the Serum Institute of India for procuring some 30 million dosesAstraZeneca,