South, Southeast Asia must boost economic ties: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday called for economic cooperation among the countries in South and Southeast Asia for the mutual benefits of the people of the region. "Economic cooperation is necessary among the countries in South Asia and South East Asia for the mutual benefit of the people of this

The decline and fall of democracy worldwide

A head of state who presided over an authoritarian regime in Southeast Asia, was once asked about rigged elections in his country. “I promised I will give you the right to vote” he said, “but I didn’t say anything about counting those votes.” That infamous quote, perhaps uttered half-jokingly, was rightly described

Myanmar and ASEAN: Time is not on the side of democracy

For 10 days in November, the world’s diplomatic attention will largely be focused on three major diplomatic meetings in Southeast Asia. These include the Group of 20 (G-20) Summit on November 15-16 in Bali, Indonesia, and the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, which will be held November 18-19 in Bangkok,