People suffer as load shedding continues countrywide

 Severe load shedding continued across the country amid the sweltering heat. As a result of power generation between 12,000 MW and 13,000 MW against the demand of nearly 16,000 MW, the people in capital Dhaka and elsewhere have been experiencing frequent power cuts that makes their lives unbearable in this peak

How to make COP27 a success

Each year, low-emitting countries like Bangladesh are the greatest sufferers and, paradoxically, pay the biggest price in losses and damages resulting from climate change. The most vulnerable communities are the ones who are facing the reality which the COP27 climate summit in Sharm-El-Shaikh is attempting to avert. According to the Centre

Govt hardly cares about public sufferings: GM Quader

Describing the current government as an anti-people one, Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader on Thursday said it is now least bothered about public sufferings. "The government has completely failed to run the country. It has mounted public sufferings by Increasing the prices of fuel," he said. Speaking at a programme at Jatiya