Afghan refugees fear return as Pakistan cracks down on migrants

“If I return to Afghanistan, the Taliban will kill me; I’m prepared to stay in a prison in Karachi than face those ruthless people,” said 24-year-old Afghan refugee, Sabrina Zalmai*, referring to the recent crackdown on hundreds of Afghans residing without proper documents in the metropolis, who are being arrested

TTP militants attack on police station in Pakistan

A group of heavily-armed militants from the Pakistani Taliban attacked a police station in the suburbs of the restive northwestern city of Peshawar on Saturday and killed three policemen, including a senior police officer, authorities said. Some six to seven militants attacked Sarband police station bordering Khyber tribal district with hand

UN calls on Taliban to drop restrictions on women

The U.N. Security Council on Tuesday decried increasing restrictions on women's rights in Afghanistan, urging the country's Taliban rulers to reverse them immediately. The Security Council "reiterated its deep concern of the suspension of schools beyond the sixth grade, and its call for the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women

Why Pakistan is upset with the Taliban?

Maryam Marof Arwin, founder of Afghanistan Women and Children Strengthen Welfare Organisation in a Twitter post lament: Afghanistan has been made a cage for Afghan women and girls. This tweet tells a million words, which depicts the state of Afghanistan after a 16-month rule by the barbarian Taliban, who has pushed

UN report details Taliban abuses in Afghanistan

This week, the United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, released his first report. It is a catalog of abuses under Taliban rule since August 2021 and their devastating impact on Afghans. The report also highlights the devastating humanitarian impact of the country’s economic crisis, caused in

The world must not wash its hands of Afghanistan

A year after the fall of Kabul and the end of the US military mission in Afghanistan, the country remains a place of misery. No foreign government has recognized the Taliban as the legitimate government, and much of the modern economy has collapsed. The new rulers have not kept earlier