Taliban mark turbulent first year in power

The Taliban marked the first anniversary of their return to power in Afghanistan with a national holiday Monday, following a turbulent year that saw women's rights crushed and a humanitarian crisis worsen. Exactly a year ago, the hardline Islamists captured Kabul after their nationwide lightning offensive against government forces ended 20

Taliban break promise on higher education for Afghan girls

Afghanistan's Taliban rulers unexpectedly decided against reopening schools Wednesday to girls above the sixth grade, reneging on a promise and opting to appease their hard-line base at the expense of further alienating the international community.  The surprising decision, confirmed by a Taliban official, is bound to disrupt efforts by the Taliban

As Afghan children wait for death

The situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating rapidly. American strategic incompetence and military inability may have caused it grave image loss and showed how weak it is, the concrete specter of death haunts those left behind in a spectacular display of betrayal. There is as yet no formal government and the

US leftovers and the Taliban

The battle between the (The National Resistance Front (NRF))Panjshir forces and the Taliban is another indicator that almost all the belligerent forces are non-state actors in Afghanistan. There is no single notion of identity of state so tribal feelings overwhelmingly dominate. The US's twenty years of failed struggle to “construct”

Afghanistan: Using Women as a political weapon?

The World Bank has suspended aid to Afghanistan, saying it is "deeply concerned" by the situation there, especially regarding women's rights, after the Taliban seized power, reports AP. Western media has also focused on the situation of women and the consequences of Taliban seizing power. One therefore finds it difficult

Was the 20 years US stay in Afghanistan worth it?

Two decades fighting the “war without end” did end but rather embarrassedly with the US hightailing amidst massive confusion and disarray leaving its allies perplexed. Biden is getting all the heat but several presidents have served since the take over two decades ago. Questions are now being thrown at the

Where did we go so wrong in Afghanistan?

President Biden’s decision to finally withdraw US forces from Afghanistan was the correct decision and certainly overdue. However, the lack of preparation to do so orderly and safely was yet another terrible mistake in a string of mistakes that have plagued the US from day one. Righting the wrong In his address