Did Russia and China jointly produce the new Taliban?

The Taliban right now are saying the following: – Women can get an education all the way to college and to continue to work. Wear the hijab-Qatar or Iran style- but no burqa needed. Women’s rights within the limits of “Islamic law.” – No enemies, no threats, no revenge. This is a

Taliban encounter Afghan cities remade in their absence

Ezanullah, one of thousands of young Taliban fighters from the countryside who rode into Afghanistan's capital over the weekend, had never seen anything like it. The paved streets of Kabul were lined with towering apartment blocks, glass office buildings and shopping malls. The plush furniture inside the Interior Ministry was like

Taliban announces general amnesty; Urges women to join govt

A Taliban official has announced a general "amnesty" for all in Afghanistan and urged women to join its government, reports AP. Enamullah Samangani, member of Islamic Emirate's cultural commission, made the comments Tuesday on Afghan state television, which the militants now control. "The Islamic Emirate don't want women to be victims," he

Let Afghans decide what they want with Russian-Chinese help

The Taliban are no super power inside Afghanistan before whom everything is crumbling. In many cases, the opponents don’t want to fight because it’s not worth it.   To be specific, there is no united enemy and no united ally so either so it’s all everyone for their own selves situation. 

Taliban enters Kabul, awaits peaceful transfer of power

Taliban fighters entered the outskirts of the Afghan capital on Sunday and said they were awaiting a "peaceful transfer" of the city after promising not to take it by force, but the uncertainty panicked workers who fled government offices as helicopters landed at the U.S. Embassy. Three Afghan officials told The

India’s Taliban problem

India had waited as wished by the US –its principal ally  - before making a move in Afghanistan when Russia, China and of course helpless Pakistan were getting knee deep. Now that the US is departing in a disorderly manner none are exactly keen to stand by Ghani’s government. Current Afghan

Taliban expect US withdrawal, vow to restore Islamic rule

The Taliban warned Washington on Friday against defying a May 1 deadline for the withdrawal of American and NATO troops from Afghanistan, promising a “reaction,” which could mean increased attacks by the insurgent group. The Taliban issued their warning at a press conference in Moscow, the day after meeting with senior