Govt to accept the best deal for Teesta project: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday said her government will receive the most beneficial proposal for the country and its people over implementing the Teesta master plan project. "We have taken Teesta projects. China and India have given separate proposals to implement the project. We must accept the proposal which will

India interested to finance Teesta project: Hasan

India has expressed interest to finance Bangladesh's Teesta project, Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud said Thursday. "You know we have taken on a big project on Teesta. India wants to finance this project. It will have to be implemented in line with our needs. We want to see our needs fulfilled," Foreign

Implement Teesta Project to save people: IFC

The International Farakka Committee (IFC) has welcomed the government of Bangladesh for sending a note verbale to New Delhi seeking to know about their plan to construct two new canals to divert water of the Teesta River. Simultaneously the government should implement the Teesta Master Plan because efforts for a treaty

China serious about implementing Teesta project: Envoy

Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming on Thursday said his country is serious about implementing the Teesta River Comprehensive Management Project noting that it should be taken very positively for the benefit of the people of Bangladesh. He said China considers the project to be significant after Bangladesh formally proposed it