Mini School Handball tournament begins

Everest Pharma Mini School Handball tournament (boys and girls) has begun from Friday at Shaheed Captain M Mansur Ali National Handball Stadium in the city, said a press release. Everest Pharmaceutical Limited’s managing director Zakir Hossain formally opened the four-day meet as the chief guest. Bangladesh Handball Federation (BHF) general secretary Asaduzzaman

Chittagong Range DIG Gold Cup Kabaddi Tournament held

They spend most of the day maintaining law and order. Many people do not even have leisure time due to the pressure of work. Taking a break from that busyness, the policemen played kabaddi. This event named 'Chittagong Range DIG Gold Cup Kabaddi Tournament' was held at BKSP Chittagong Regional

Asia Cup Corporate Football Tournament in Chittagong

The 'Corporate Futsal Cup' tournament is held there under the patronage of the Asian Group. on Thursday at Asian Group Sports Complex. Spectators thronged around the green carpet of turf. Slogans are raised non-stop. The football-war started when the referee whistled. After 20 minutes of football style, 'Anant Group' finally got

Next WC team will be ready in a year or two: Bashar

Bangladesh will face Australia in their final pool game in the ongoing World Cup on Saturday in Pune. While Australia have already made the semifinal of the tournament, Bangladesh became the first team to crash out. Although the match bears no importance in the context of the tournament, it's a key

Bangabandhu Summit Squash Tournament curtains fall

  The curtain of ‘Bangabandhu Summit Squash Tournament 2023’ has fallen (Tuesday) with the grand prize giving ceremony at Army Squash Complex. The President of Bangladesh Squash Rackets Federation and Presidium Member of Bangladesh Awami League Lt Col (Retd) Muhammad Faruk Khan MP was present there as the chief guest. While

Yamaha Riders Club holds Badminton tournament

Yamaha Riders Club organized a badminton tournament for 170 members of the club from all over Bangladesh, a press release said Tuesday. A total of 85 teams participated in the tournament. Both boys and girls participants participated in this competition for a total of 45 days long event. The final game

Built to disappear: World Cup stadium 974

Of the seven stadiums Qatar built for the World Cup, one will disappear after the tournament. That’s what the games’ organizers have said about Stadium 974 in Doha a port-side structure with more than 40,000 seats partially built from recycled shipping containers and steel. Qatar says the stadium will be