Expanding Israeli settlements a ‘war crime’: UN

Expanding Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories constitutes "a war crime" and risks eliminating any likelihood of a viable Palestinian state, the UN rights chief warned on Friday. Volker Turk said there had been a drastic acceleration in Israeli illegal settlement building in the occupied West Bank as it wages

Myanmar school attack could be war crime: UN probe

UN investigators said Tuesday that the Myanmar junta commanders who ordered an attack this month on a school that left a dozen children dead could be liable for war crimes. The investigators pointed to multiple reports indicating that the school, located in the compound of a monastery, came under attack for

EU calls for war crime tribunal over mass graves in Ukraine

The EU presidency on Saturday called for the establishment of an international tribunal for war crimes after new mass graves were found in Ukraine. "In the 21st century, such attacks against the civilian population are unthinkable and abhorrent," said Jan Lipavsky, foreign minister of the Czech Republic which holds the European