Brazil confirms first monkeypox-related death

Brazil on Friday confirmed the country's first monkeypox-related death, according to the Health Ministry.  The case was reported in Belo Horizonte, capital of the southeast Minas Gerais state, and the victim was a 41-year-old man who was undergoing treatment for other serious clinical conditions, including cancer, and whose health deteriorated after

Animal-to-human diseases rise in Africa: WHO

Diseases transmitted from animals to people in Africa jumped 63 percent in the last decade, compared with the previous 10 years, according to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) analysis. More than 75 percent of emerging infectious diseases are caused by pathogens shared with wild or domestic animals, WHO Regional Director

Better late than never, but act now

The world should now be more aware of likely COVID-19 devastation unless urgently checked. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced an US$8 billion plan to quickly vaccinate many more people to expedite ending the pandemic. New WHO plan Perhaps frustrated after being ignored by rich country governments and major vaccine

Vaccine inequity biggest barrier to ending pandemic: WHO chief

Vaccine inequity is the biggest challenge to ending the Covid-19 pandemic and recovering from it, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief said Thursday, reports Bernama. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus issued his statement from Geneva along with data released by the UN Development Program (UNDP) and the University of Oxford. Covid-19 vaccine

WHO for ‘extreme caution’ in lifting Covid restrictions

The World Health Organization on Wednesday urged "extreme caution" for countries considering lifting Covid-19 restrictions, warning that high vaccination rates would not stop transmission of the virus increasing.  The UN health agency urged governments not to squander hard-won gains and return to scenes of overwhelmed hospitals and exhausted health workers. Asked about

Bangladeshi doctor made WHO Representative to Maldives

A Bangladeshi health professional has been appointed as the representative of the World Health Organization(WHO) to the Maldives. Dr. Nazneen Anwar, a health expert with more than 35 years of professional experience in his respective, was nominated as the WHO Representative to the Maldives on April 8, 2021. She became the first

WHO lists anti-Covid Moderna vaccine for emergency use

The World Health Organization on Friday listed the anti-Covid-19 Moderna vaccine for emergency use. The listing procedure helps the countries unable to assess a vaccine’s effectiveness themselves would have access as quickly as possible and allows the Covax vaccine sharing scheme and other partners to distribute it to poorer countries. This US

World Health Day today

The World Health Day is being observed in the country as elsewhere across the globe on Wednesday. The theme of this year’s day is: Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone This is a global health awareness day observed every year on April 7 under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization

Share Covid jabs out of self-interest: WHO

The growing gap between the number of vaccines being given in rich countries and those administered through COVAX is becoming “more grotesque every day”, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has said. “In January, I said that the world was on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure unless

Will the coronavirus ever go away?

No one knows for sure. Scientists think the virus that causes COVID-19 may be with us for decades or longer, but that doesn’t mean it will keep posing the same threat. The virus emerged in late 2019 and it’s difficult to predict how it will behave over the long term. But